Working Capital Loans Bad Credit
Working capital is the lifeline of any small business. In order to operate a business efficiently and give it the opportunity to grow a business must have an adequate operating budget. Over the last few years banks have made it difficult for small business owners to get access to additional working capital. The most significant contributor to this lack of access to capital is bad credit. Most small business owners today have bad credit or just do not qualify for traditional financing because they do not meet the credit expectations of banks. This has only increased the demand for a company to provide bad credit working capital loans and we have decided to meet that demand with our new working capital for bad credit program.
Why We Launched the Working Capital Program
We launched the bad credit working capital program to meet the needs of the small business community. We have been providing working capital loans to small business owners for almost a decade and we noticed that many of these owners ran into credit trouble at one time or another during the growth stages of building their company. Having bad credit did not change the client’s ability or willingness to repay their working capital loans. In fact, it increased their likelihood to repay so that they could count on a lender for future financial needs. The combination of demand and proven success in the past made it an easy decision to provide working capital loans to bad credit applicants.
How You Qualify
Qualifying is simple. We consider credit a very small factor in the approval process. Our main concern is that you own and operate a legitimate business and that you have generated revenues over the most recent three month period. We do not require tax returns or profit and loss statements, we only require you to provide bank or processing statements that demonstrate your monthly revenue. We have one of the most flexible approval processes in the financing industry so even if you have been denied in the past, have tax liens, bankruptcies, or really bad credit we encourage you to apply. It won’t cost you a dollar to see if you are eligible so apply online with our easy to complete form or give us a call to get started.
The Benefits of Working with our Company
We specialize in providing loans for bad credit. We understand small business owners and see value where others do not. For this reason we are able to offer larger approval amounts and more competitive rates. We have been doing this for almost a decade and have been recognized more than once as a leading resource for bad credit business loans. We are here if you have any questions or concerns and look forward to working with you.